The Huddersfield Singers


for use of the DOWNSTAIRS HALL or the THEATRE ROOM
at Huddersfield Methodist Mission for rehearsing from 6 September

Note that rehearsals will take place in the large DOWNSTAIRS HALL unless otherwise stated.


The following strategy includes advice from the Mission itself, and will be operational until there are changes of advice from the Government (i.e. we are proceeding with caution).

  • There is an expectation that all members will have had TWO COVID JABS. If not, a pre-rehearsal lateral flow test is advised for anyone unable to be vaccinated or to those at higher risk of exposure (teachers, health service workers etc.).
  • The Mission is open for our use from September. EITHER:
    • We will be rehearsing in the downstairs hall;
    • OR: We will be rehearsing in the theatre (upstairs room) as before.
  • No other room should be used; just the designated rehearsal room (HALL or THEATRE), for rehearsal purposes.
  • Toilets are available on the same floor as the rehearsal room (for use by a maximum of two people at any one time) and should be used on a ‘one in, one out’ basis.
  • Masks are to be worn when walking in and through the building (other than in the rehearsal hall, when in position to sing – unless the individual singer wishes to attempt to sing while wearing the mask).
  • Hand sanitiser is available at all entrances. There should be no gathering in the entrance hall before rehearsals.
  • A QR code is available for use, and a track-and-trace register (our attendance register) will be available for member contact should it be required.
  • All windows in the rehearsal room, and its entrance door, must be kept open for the duration of the rehearsal.
  • The kitchen is NOT available for use; members must ensure they have their own water supply.
  • Seating for all will be at a 1m–2m distance between members seated in straight lines. NB Conductor and pianist distances will follow the same lines.
  • Before and after rehearsals, members of the committee must share the task of wiping down equipment that has been used. A sanitiser kit is provided in the rehearsal space.